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Prepare and Build a Thriving  Marriage 

Gift Certificates Available


Register for Coaching Sessions and  2025 Classes 


Click the Services button below for more information.

When a man and woman find themselves getting serious about the possibility of marriage, we encourage them to gather as much information as they can before saying "I Do". 


- Pat & Charmaine Williams

Founders and Course Facilitators 

Marriage Fundamentals covers key topics enabling people to explore, prepare, and enjoy their lifelong commitments.

 Coaching Help?

Coaching is the process of asking key questions to help an individual or couple develop clarity while drawing out possible solutions for areas of growth, conflict, stress or challenge.


Pat & Charmaine Williams

Marriage & Relationship Coaches

Course Facilitators





Marriage Fundamentals

3964 Rivermark Plaza #355

Santa Clara, CA 95054


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